Living Faith Church, Warri

Worship with us every Sunday @ 7:00am, 9:00am

On Wednesdays @ 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Glory! I am here to return all the glory to the God of this Commission, for what He did in my family. About 3 weeks ago, I got a call that my father-in-law was sick, I said a word of prayer with him over the phone but I felt a nudge in my spirit to visit him. When I got to the hospital, I discovered that he was afflicted with stroke; his breath was heavy and he could neither talk nor move. I told my wife that the issue was minor, that if we could just get him to Church, he will be healed. When we came to Church, the brethren prayed for him, and in 10 minutes he regained consciousness and muttered a few words. I met a Pastor for further prayers and he said, “You don’t need my presence for him to be healed”. He simply gave me the Anointing Oil and the Blood of Sprinkling and assured me that my father-in-law will be fine; God restored his health, and two weeks later, he is strong enough to drive himself to work. To God alone, be all the glory!